Apple and the iPod
I am really sick of all the slack the iPod gets off of various elitist computer users out there. What Apple have done is create a music player that has the visual style and storage capacity that appeals to the middle class market, and you know what? I don't care if its too expensive, or if it doesn't have support for the latest .0r% format or how many other players there are around that can do the same thing but cheaper. All I know is that Apple have created something people are willing to pay a little more for, and lose a little of the extra functionalities other newer players support, and if you hate that then the answer is simply to not buy one. I feel I need to elaborate this a bit more.
People always tell you they dislike a certain brand, but most of the time it's not through their own personal experience. It is the nature of 'peer pressure' but in this case, it is the minority who are doing the pressuring. The internet has become rife with talk about how Apple's latest products are all lousy, mass produced piles of crap, and in an effort to look cool, try to denounce everything about it. Then we have the people, who may read a blog and take in some of this faux slating, and begin to think themselves that in order to be accepted by the public which in their eyes is encompassed completely by what they have read on the internet they must ditch the iPod. However, it is easy to see how people can be so easily fooled like that, but the problem with the internet though is those who shout loudest get their voices heard. This means Joe Bloggs reads a particularly loud rant and assumes it is the formed opinions of many, therefore listening and taking on the opinions of the writer. I'm losing track again.
If the power of the internet is letting a select few gather enormous amounts of influence over the internet reading public, this can surely only be a dangerous thing. I don't disagree with the power people have over their own minds, and that people are able to form their own opinions, but I will not have anyone believe that they truly uninfluenced by anything they read; newspapers, TV, radio and the internet, they all have the power to persuade ones mind with the ultimate force that is bias. Bias one way or another, there is nothing truly unbiased, and the simple change of which newspaper you read to gain your information is a factor in what your feelings are towards a certain subject. You may already be a biased person by choosing a certain paper or TV channel to get your news from. All of it is bias, and there's not really a lot you can do to stop it short of shut yourself off from society and become self dependent, just like that couple from 'No Going Back' except that's probably biased too, as you already have that preconception of how things should turn out or how it shouldn't, and your mind is already warped. Now I'm really losing track.
What I really want to say is that the iPod is simply an mp3 player, and in some people's eyes, a pretty cool fashion accessory or public statement of wealth. If you don't like that, there's pretty much nothing you can do, and no matter what your internet tough guy buddy might tell you, Apple won't be going out of business any time soon. But remember kids, its JUST an mp3 player. It plays music. Long live the iPod.
People always tell you they dislike a certain brand, but most of the time it's not through their own personal experience. It is the nature of 'peer pressure' but in this case, it is the minority who are doing the pressuring. The internet has become rife with talk about how Apple's latest products are all lousy, mass produced piles of crap, and in an effort to look cool, try to denounce everything about it. Then we have the people, who may read a blog and take in some of this faux slating, and begin to think themselves that in order to be accepted by the public which in their eyes is encompassed completely by what they have read on the internet they must ditch the iPod. However, it is easy to see how people can be so easily fooled like that, but the problem with the internet though is those who shout loudest get their voices heard. This means Joe Bloggs reads a particularly loud rant and assumes it is the formed opinions of many, therefore listening and taking on the opinions of the writer. I'm losing track again.
If the power of the internet is letting a select few gather enormous amounts of influence over the internet reading public, this can surely only be a dangerous thing. I don't disagree with the power people have over their own minds, and that people are able to form their own opinions, but I will not have anyone believe that they truly uninfluenced by anything they read; newspapers, TV, radio and the internet, they all have the power to persuade ones mind with the ultimate force that is bias. Bias one way or another, there is nothing truly unbiased, and the simple change of which newspaper you read to gain your information is a factor in what your feelings are towards a certain subject. You may already be a biased person by choosing a certain paper or TV channel to get your news from. All of it is bias, and there's not really a lot you can do to stop it short of shut yourself off from society and become self dependent, just like that couple from 'No Going Back' except that's probably biased too, as you already have that preconception of how things should turn out or how it shouldn't, and your mind is already warped. Now I'm really losing track.
What I really want to say is that the iPod is simply an mp3 player, and in some people's eyes, a pretty cool fashion accessory or public statement of wealth. If you don't like that, there's pretty much nothing you can do, and no matter what your internet tough guy buddy might tell you, Apple won't be going out of business any time soon. But remember kids, its JUST an mp3 player. It plays music. Long live the iPod.

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