Saturday, November 07, 2009


I had a revelation about something just now, and this was the first place I thought to post it. Essentially it involves my inbuilt aversion to drugs and my inherent dislike of the people who use them recreationally and repeatedly. I think I finally figured out why this is.

I don't necessarily have a grudge against these people, as I have a tolerance for people of all backgrounds, personalities and positions. Some of these could be considered quite low (Rude and ignorant people, racists) but there is still that initial chance for them to prove to me that they are not as bad as they seem. Druggies seem to annoy me for one reasons. They seek out these emotional highs without putting in the work.

Throughout my whole life I have been told that you must work for what you want. Experiencing those incredible high emotional points, a recent example for me was finally getting that xmas job I wanted, was all the better because I had put in a lot of work to get there. I spent ages on the form, I tried my best to impress at the interview and I persisted through various applications for two months of seemingly limitless job hunting. When the news came in on the phone that all of that was had paid off, I felt incredibly ecstatic and couldn't stop smiling for hours.

If somebody told me that instead of all that, I could be given a little pill that would give me a similar effect that cost me say £50, I'd feel rather cheated and I would also swear blind that this couldn't possibly compare to the joy I felt getting the job. I will never be able to prove this, but from the multiple stories I have heard and read that both positively and negatively looked at the effects of drugs, I'd conclude that maybe I am right after all.

If people are willing to forego the difficult and sometimes arduous tasks that pay off with the incredible rewarding feelings, then I don't think they have earned it, even if they did compensate for it through financial loss. That is why drug users annoy me.